We checked in with our Therapist this evening, and by that I turned in J's teacher assessment, as well as my own, and they were scored. Although we already knew what they answer would be but the filled out sheets were necessary paperwork in order to get J a Case Manager. From what I understand, a Case Manager is like a "boys and girls club" type mentor- only with professional training like a therapist. This person will pick her up, likely from school, once a week, and take her places and do things with her, all the while working on the necessary skills needed for her to cope with her ADHD struggles. I'm really looking forward to this next step and am hoping that joined together with it, and other behavioral modification techniques, one day we will have the tools to be without medicine.
Speaking of meds; we've now been on meds for ten days and according to her teacher, if anything she's regressed in some skills. Great. I haven't seen any change in her at home, which is a good thing because she's on such a low dose at the moment that her doctor says it's supposed to begin wearing off around 1pm every day. Therefore, any change I'd see would likely be changes in personality and/or moods which is NOT something that is supposed to happen. Friday is our two week check and I'm afraid he'll probably put her on a higher dose. I suppose this is OK, I'm on a significantly high dosage of my own "happy pill" med so I suppose it should only be expected that my kid need an insane high amount of drug in order to be a "normal functioning person" (insert eye roll here).
We should be hearing from her new case manager hopefully in the next couple weeks. I'm so excited for this next step.
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