It's no wonder I'm so exhausted by 7am. Every morning I wake up at 6am and come down to let the dogs out. I make my coffee and J's breakfast shake, and put food out for the dogs. By this time J is up and sitting at the table... hopefully. Often however, she is sitting on the floor in the bathroom playing with a piece of lint and I have to remind her what she is supposed to be doing.
By the time I coax J away from the three hundred things that distract her in the ten feet between her bedroom to the dining room table, R is yelling from his bedroom letting me know he is awake. He walks out of his bedroom and announces he wants cereal, knowing full and well that I am going to send him to my room to watch cartoons until I get J on the bus. A small tantrum never fails to occur, even though we started this "routine" to avoid further distractions for J five months ago.
Once I get back to the dining room after getting R settled in J has likely slipped out of her chair and is chasing the cat, or something else equally NON-productive at getting ready for school. I sit with her at the table, reminding her of whatever time she has left to get ready for school.... fifteen-twenty minutes usually and we still have to get dressed, brush our hair and teeth, get socks and shoes and whatever seasonal outer-clothing is necessary for the day. Out of all of these items needed to gather, at least two are not where they should be and have to be looked for. J's idea of "looking" for things is either following me while I look, or wandering around the house not actually looking, although she'd beg to differ.
Usually by about five till 7 I've lost my patience and am barking orders like a pissed off General. J has been "grounded" to the couch until her bus gets here, and I'm sitting right next to her, watching out the window for the lights of the bus coming down the dirt road. I'm frustrated, sweaty, and worst of all; my coffee is cold.
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